best 5 benefits of Travel Part 1, travel, explore, best travel information, Best article on travel,

Summer vacation is actually a season of hiking, walking around the beaches, exploring new places in the world, but this year is a different picture.  Due to the ongoing lockdown in all over the world, the transport system has come to a standstill, wings of the aircraft have been cut off, the speed of the trains has been restricted, the steering of the ship is fixed in one place and there is no guarantee of how many days will the ship be anchore in the water.

      This is an invaluable gift that I have personally given to all my reader friends to relieve daily stress. a short article that makes us think of taking to the skies of dreams at a time when the whole human race is suffering physically and mentally.

 The benefits of travel. 

      Leaving the busyness of daily life, we travel to get to know ourselves, to see the world, to forget  stress, to enjoy ourselves.  Travel is not just a tourist destination, it is a journey to find yourself, find the true meaning of life.  Traveling brings us new people, new culture, languages, spirit, new  goals  of life. You have to travel to get out of the boring daily life and get rid of stress.

      There are many benefits to traveling, some benefits mental and some benefits physical.

 Travel gives peace of mind

      Think about the stressful daily life we ​​choose.  We travel to that place with friends and family.  Seeing the man-made and nature-created beauty in the journey, our mind begins to discover its own and we forget the world and fall in love with that beauty.  Then we become aware of an intense peace that we never get in the stressful daily life.  In short, traveling makes us forget everything and fall in love with the beauty of the place and have no thoughts in our minds.  This means that we explore our mind by focusing on the whole place in our mind.  Many times during your travels you may have realized that when you go to a place, you do not want to come back from there, the place stays in your mind forever and you cherish the memories of that place for the rest of your life.

      If daily work gives you peace of mind, then everyday work can keep you in your mind for the rest of your life, but you get so bored of that work and a four-day vacation becomes a lifelong fulfillment because you get complete peace of mind and your eyes,  your brain is always enjoying the memory of the same things.

      The journey I have made in my life is completely remembered, and so will you, because in that place we become completely that place.  Travel enthusiasts so we do not need to say anything about travel.

      activities like scuba diving, Sightseeing in beautiful views, Experiencing the environment of natural places,  spending time in search places,  gives actual peace in mind.

 Development of communication skills

      Many a time we travel to new places and study the language, culture and way of life of the people.  Once there, you need to socialize with everyone there to get information about the place and that is why your social skills develop.  If you love to make new friends on the go, this love will sharpen your communication skills and you will interact with different people.  Communication on the go is always full of excuses. If you want something, ask him what you don't want, where to give it and what to do. Ask him in any way you can to communicate with someone, and that's what develops your communication skills.  Think about it, if you want to go somewhere, you have to get all the information about that place and only then you can go there.  We understand new aspects of communication and this is why society develops in travel.

     When you visit some places in festival season that time you communicate with people and celebrate festival along with all of your friends. Sometime you travel in group and that time you communicate with another travel partners this is a great chance to develop your communication skills.

 Travel boosts confidence

      If we can go to a new place in the world, if we can live there, without any kind of help, then this thing is definitely boosting our confidence.  We encounter many difficulties on the journey and our confidence increases with how we deal with them.  Communicating with new people, learning about new places, knowing about the culture of the place, all these things make you feel excited and at the same time give you confidence.  If you have traveled to a place without any help and you have discovered everything there on your own, you will definitely gain confidence about traveling.

     There are some adventurous activities which helps to boost our confidence like Rollercoaster, Skydiving, bike riding, mountain climbing, river rafting, exetra.

 Make new friends

      Whether traveling by bus, train or plane, fellow travelers come in all sorts of journeys, and if you can make a good society of fellow travelers, then of course that fellow traveler becomes your life companion, of course, your friend.  It depends on how many friends you have made on the journey so far. It depends on how many people you talk to while traveling. If you have good communication skills and you can talk to any new person without fear, then you can definitely make new friends in life.  Everyday life gives you very few friends because in everyday life you have to do the same thing over and over again but in travel new places new language new culture living all these things force you to meet new people and thus call your new friends.  I have made twenty friends in ten days on a trip to North India, not the maximum of the trip.

      sometimes in long Journeys you get introduced with your co passengers. When you have quality time with those co-passengers  you can get good friends in your journey. Your travel partner, tour operator  may be your good friend forever.

 Fulfillment of dreams

      Dear Readers, Life is a journey and it is always a journey towards fulfillment of dreams.  The important benefit of traveling is that dream fulfillment is one of the many dreams in your life and traveling to some place is also in your dream.  And travel gives us the joy of dream fulfillment.  Along with the joy of dream fulfillment, your new dreams fall on the journey.  And the desire to travel to that place arises in our minds. Travel makes a man a reservation entirely because his mental growth is due to travel.

     Sometimes it is assumed that if you travelled across the world all of your dreamsl will be came true. So be a Traveller  explore the world around you.

This is a first part of an article. second part will come up with another 5 benefits. 

For more update stay tuned.

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  1. खूप छान छान

  2. Completely agree to what you say Tejas. Good analysis

  3. Well Written Tejas. I agree Travel is bliss which we took for granted so far like many other things.


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